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  • Research Policy
  • M.Phil/Ph.D. Guidelines
  • Committee Members
  • Research Guides
  • Research Thrust Area
  • Research Collaborations
  • Enrolled Students
  • Activities

One of the primary objectives of SVKM’s Mithibai College of Arts, Chauhan Institute of Science & Amrutben Jivanlal College of Commerce and Economics is to inculcate research an important component in teaching and learning. The college has a research committee that gives support to the faculty and students regarding research projects. The college has nine research centres. These centres have qualified guides who guide the students for award of Ph.D.

In 2018-19, the college received graded autonomy for 10 years as per the 1918 Gazette of autonomy. The Governing Body of the college decided to appoint Vice Principal, ‘Research and Consultancy, whose mission along with members of the research committee   is

·        to create awareness regarding research among the faculty and students,

·        to motivate the faculty to enrol for Ph.D. programmes

·        to encourage faculty members to apply for financial assistance for research projects to various funding agencies and to organise training workshops for the same.

·        to encourage faculty to publish their research finding in journals of national and international repute

·        to organise various workshops, seminars, conferences to strengthen research in the college

Participation in National/International conferences/seminars/workshops

·        To encourage research among faculty, financial support in terms of registration fees will be provided to the teachers presenting their original research in national/international conference organised by professional organisations of repute. Financial support in the form of travel expenses full/partial will be provided by the management on the basis of evaluation of the expert committee constituted by the management.

Guidelines for Research proposal submission to the external agency


·        Any faculty submitting project proposal to the external funding agency will have to seek approval from the research committee.


·        Before submission of a major project proposal to the national funding agency, it will be mandatory for the faculty to make presentation of the project proposal in the presence of the Research committee and external expert appointed by the Principal.


        It is mandatory that every faculty member & Ph.D. scholar will have to generate plagiarism report before they submit their articles to publishing agency. This will have to be stringently followed.


        Any publications in Scopus/ Web of Science /UGC journals/Thomson Routeur indexed journal   will be recognised by the college and the Management.


        Publication by faculty and Ph.D. scholars in Thomson Reuters indexed journal will receive recognition and incentive from the management. This will be based on evaluation of expert committee constituted by the college.

Impact factor

Incentive (Rs.)









Above 3




Rules and Regulations for Plagiarism and any Other Academic Dishonesty


According to the ethics to be followed in higher education, fair conduct of research and prevention of misconduct, and as per UGC (Promotion of Academic Integrity and Prevention of Plagiarism in Higher Educational Institutions) Regulations, 2018, learners, researchers and faculty members should not perform any academic misconduct by way of theft of intellectual property in any manner.

The research work carried out by the learner, faculty member, researcher and staff shall be based on original ideas, which shall include abstract, summary, hypothesis, observations, results, conclusions and recommendations only and shall not have any similarities. It shall exclude common knowledge or coincidental terms, up to fourteen (14) consecutive words. It shall be covered by Zero Tolerance Policy on Plagiarism.


Similarity checks for exclusion from Plagiarism

The similarity checks for plagiarism shall exclude the following:

i)       All quoted work reproduced with necessary permission and/or attribution.

ii)     All references, bibliography, table of contents, preface, and acknowledgements.

iii)   All generic terms, laws, standard symbols, and standard equations.


Levels of Plagiarism

Plagiarism will be quantified into the following levels in ascending order of severity for the purpose of its definition:

i)       Level 0: Similarities up to 10%

ii)     Level 1: Similarities above 10% and up to 40%

iii)   Level 2: Similarities above 40% and up to 60%

iv)    Level 3: Similarities above 60%


Detection/Reporting/Handling of Plagiarism

If any member of the academic community suspects with appropriate proof, that a case of plagiarism has happened in any document, he or she shall report it to the Departmental Academic Integrity Panel (DAIP). Upon receipt of such a complaint or allegation, the DAIP shall investigate the matter and submit its recommendations to the Institutional Academic Integrity Panel (IAIP) of the college. The authorities of college can also take suo moto notice of an act of plagiarism and initiate proceedings under these regulations. Similarly, proceedings can also be initiated by the authorities on the basis of findings of an examiner. All such cases will be investigated by the IAIP.


Departmental Academic Integrity Panel (DAIP)

i)           All Departments in the college shall notify a DAIP whose composition shall be as given below:

a.      Chairperson - Head of the Department

b.      Member - Senior academician from outside the department, to be nominated by the Principal.

c.      Member - A person well versed with anti-plagiarism tools, to be nominated by the Head of the Department.

The tenure of the members in respect of points 'b' and 'c' shall be two years. The quorum for the meetings shall be 2 out of 3 members (including the Chairman).


The DAIP shall follow the principles of natural justice while deciding about the allegation of plagiarism against the learner, faculty, researcher, and staff.

ii)         The DAIP shall have the power to assess the level of plagiarism and recommend penalty/ies accordingly.

iii)       The DAIP after investigation, shall submit its report with recommendation on penalties to be imposed, to the IAIP within a period of 45 days from the date of receipt of complaint / initiation of proceedings.


Institutional Academic Integrity Panel (IAIP)

i)       composition shall be as given below:

a.      Chairperson – Principal/Senior Academician of the college.

b.      Member - Senior Academician other than Chairman, to be nominated by the Principal.

c.      Member - One member nominated by the Principal from outside the college.

d.      Member - A person well versed with anti-plagiarism tools, to be nominated by the Principal.

The Chairperson of DAIP and IAIP shall not be the same. The tenure of the Committee members including the Chairperson, shall be three years. The quorum for the meetings shall be 3 out of 4 members (including the Chairperson).

ii)       The IAIP shall consider the recommendations of the DAIP.

iii)   The IAIP shall also investigate cases of plagiarism as per the provisions mentioned in these regulations.

iv)    The IAIP shall follow the principles of natural justice while deciding about the allegation of plagiarism against the learner, faculty member, researcher and staff of the college.

v)     The IAIP shall have the power to review the recommendations of the DAIP, including penalties with due justification.

vi)    The IAIP shall send the report after investigation and the recommendation on penalties to be imposed, to the Principal, within a period of 45 days from the date of receipt of recommendation of the DAIP/complaint / initiation of the proceedings.

vii)  The IAIP shall provide a copy of the report to the person(s) against whom inquiry report is submitted.


Penalties in the cases of plagiarism shall be imposed on learners pursuing studies at the level of Masters and Research programs and on researcher, faculty member & staff of the college, only after academic misconduct on the part of the individual has been established without doubt, when all avenues of appeal have been exhausted and the individual in question has been provided enough opportunity to defend himself or herself in a fair and transparent manner.


Penalties in case of plagiarism in submission of thesis and dissertations

Institutional Academic Integrity Panel (IAIP) shall impose penalty considering the severity of Plagiarism.

i)       Level 0: Similarities up to 10% - Minor Similarities, no penalty.

ii)     Level 1: Similarities above 10% and up to 40% - Such a learner shall be asked to submit a revised script within a stipulated time period not exceeding 6 months.

iii)   Level 2: Similarities above 40% and up to 60% - Such a learner shall be debarred from submitting a revised script for a period of one year.

iv)    Level 3: Similarities above 60% -Such a learner’s registration for that program shall be cancelled.

a)         Note 1: Penalty on repeated plagiarism- Such a learner shall be punished for the plagiarism of one level higher than the previous level committed by him/her. In cases where plagiarism of the highest level is committed, then the punishment for the same shall be operative.

b)         Note 2: Penalty in case where the degree/credit has already been obtained - If plagiarism is proved on a date later than the date of award of degree or credit as the case may be, then his/her degree or credit shall be put in abeyance for a period recommended by the IAIP and approved by the Head of the Institution.


Penalties in case of plagiarism in academic and research publications

I.           Level 0: Similarities up to 10% - Minor similarities, no penalty.

II.            Level 1: Similarities above 10% and up to 40%

i.    Shall be asked to withdraw the manuscript.


III.            Level 2: Similarities above 40% and up to 60%

i.    Shall be asked to withdraw the manuscript.

ii.     Shall be denied a right to one annual increment.

iii.     Shall not be allowed to be a supervisor to any new Master’s, M.Phil., Ph.D. learner/scholar for a period of two years.


IV.           Level 3: Similarities above 60%

i.    Shall be asked to withdraw the manuscript.

ii.     Shall be denied a right to two successive annual increments.

iii.     Shall not be allowed to be a supervisor to any new Master’s, M.Phil., Ph.D. learner/scholar for a period of three years.

a.    Note 1: Penalty on repeated plagiarism - Shall be asked to withdraw the manuscript and shall be punished for plagiarism of one level higher than the lower level committed by him/her. In cases where plagiarism of the highest level is committed, then the punishment for the same shall be operative. In case level 3 offence is repeated, then disciplinary action including suspension/termination as per service rules, shall be taken by the college.

b.        Note 2: Penalty in cases where the benefit or credit has already been obtained - If plagiarism is proved on a date later than the date of benefit or credit obtained as the case may be, then his/her benefit or credit shall be put in abeyance for a period recommended by IAIP and approved by the Principal.

c.      Note 3: The college shall create a mechanism to ensure that each paper publication/thesis/dissertation by a learner, faculty member, researcher or staff of the college is checked for plagiarism at the time of forwarding/submission.

d.     Note 4: If there is any complaint of plagiarism against the Principal, a suitable action, in line with these regulations, shall be taken by the Governing Body of the college.

e.         Note 5: If there is any complaint of plagiarism against the Head of Department/Authorities at the institutional level, a suitable action, in line with these regulations, shall be recommended by the IAIP and approved by the Competent Authority.

f.        Note 6: If there is any complaint of plagiarism against any member of DAIP or IAIP, then such member shall excuse himself / herself from the meeting/s where his/her case is being discussed/investigated.

Research Promotion & Advisory Committee
  • Prof. Krutika Desai – Principal (Convener)
  • Prof. Meenakshi Vaidya – Vice Principal Science (Jt. Convener)
  • Dr. Anjali Patkar - Vice Principal Commerce (Co-Convener)
  • Dr. Nupur Mehrotra
  • Dr. Sunita Maral
  • Dr. Jayaprada Rao
  • Dr. Khevana Desai
  • Dr. Aparana Bhardwaj
  • Dr. Shubhada Walvekar
  • Dr. Tushima Basak
  • Dr.  Prajakata Sarang
  • Dr. Sonia Jhunjhunwala
  • Dr. Amol Joglekar
  • Dr. Alpesh Mehta
  • Dr. Saraswathy Nagendran
  • Ms. Archana Garate (Librarian)

Name of Research centre

Approved seats

Total students admitted

Name of the Guide

University Affiliation


Dr.Sanobar Hussaini 

University of Mumbai 

Dr.Suresh Wakchaure (Retired)

University of Mumbai 


Dr. Anjali Patkar 

University of Mumbai 

Dr.Parag Ajgaonkar 

University of Mumbai 

Dr.Neela Nair (Retired) 

University of Mumbai 


Dr. Jayaprada Rao C. 

University of Mumbai 


Dr. Sashirekha Sureshkumar 

University of Mumbai 

Dr. Meenakshi Vaidya 

University of Mumbai 

Dr. Shailaja P. Nair 

University of Mumbai 

Dr. Bindu Gopalakrishnan 

University of Mumbai 

Dr.Vaishnavi  More 

University of Mumbai 




Dr. K.B.Desai 

University of Mumbai & NMIMS 



University of Mumbai 



University of Mumbai 

Dr.Meghana Talpade 

JJT University 

Dr. Papiya Deb 

University of Mumbai and JJT University 

Dr. Hitesh Shingadia 

University of Mumbai and JJT University 




Dr. Aparna Bhardwaj

University of Mumbai


Research Thrust Area


Postmodernism, Dalit literature, Indian English Literature, American Literature, Translation Studies


Business Policy and Administration

Political Science

Political Theory, Indian Political System, Public Administration, International Relations




Plant Pathology, Pharmacognosy, Plant Anatomy, Environmental Botany, Phytochemistry


Quorum Sensing, Protein Chemistry, Enzymology





1. Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC), Mumbai.
2. Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR), Mumbai.
3. Indian Institute of Technology (IIT-B and IIT-KGP).
4. Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education (HBCSE), Mumbai.
5. NMIMS (Deemed to be University), Mumbai.
6. University of Mumbai-Department of Atomic Energy’s Centre for Excellence in Basic Sciences (UM-DAE CBS), Mumbai.

Research, Consultancy and Extension Committee             

 Research, consultancy and Extensions Committee organized a talk on “Writing a Research Proposal” for the teachers and students in three sessions. For the Commerce stream, Dr. Ajgaonkar, for Arts stream Prof Ms. Panna Mehta and Prof Ms. Vidya Premkumar delivered the talk. Dr. Turel conducted a session for Science stream.                              

Many teachers have submitted proposals for BCUD and also for Minor and Major research projects. Research Committee encouraged students to participate in Avishkar leading to a very warm response from undergraduate and postgraduate students. As many as 11 different groups of students from Undergraduate classes of Arts, Science and Commerce participated at the University Research Festival Avishkar. The talks arranged by the committee on research project selection and planning helped students to take up research projects and present at the festival. Research Meet and Science Exhibition -2015 was organized on 15th and 16th January 2015. Students and staff members presented their research as oral/ poster presentations. The participation was from both UG and PG students. The Science Exhibition on 16th January 2015 had models prepared by the undergraduate students. 

‘Manshodhan’ a novel research cum project presentation competition of all the colleges under the SVKM banner was initiated in the year 2010. It aimed at inculcating the spirit of research and presentation among the undergraduate students, post graduate students and staff. The event is divided into 4 categories 

  1. Science and Pharmacy
  2. Arts, Humanities and Law 
  3. Commerce and Management 
  4. Technology Engineering and Architect. The response from the staff and students was overwhelming with a record of 178 presentations being carried out in one day. It has now become an annual feature of the college.