Department of Political Science has been one of the most active departments at Mithibai College since its inception with the college in 1961. The department does its very best to convey a holistic nature of education in the said field, covering all aspects of the topics prescribed in the syllabus as also ensuring its applicability. Through field visits and other activities, the subject comes alive to students and kindles their urge towards learning.
Over three Under Graduate years, learners study nine papers in Politics. Commonly studied as Civics or Political Science under various school boards and junior colleges, this subject is both enticing and enlightening. The students delve into concepts, approaches and ideologies to understand the basics of the subject. They also delve into the Indian Political System with a detailed study of the Indian Constitution and the intricacies of the electoral process in the country over the years. Public Administration as a paper opens avenues of understanding of our governance process and equips the learners towards issues they would face as policy makers and implementers.
By the time learners graduate, they are adept in the political process in the State of Maharashtra and the working of Local Self-Government Institutions in the State. They have also had understanding of the changing dynamics in International Relations and the working of International and Regional Organisations. Analysing political thinkers and understanding their work is also an enlightening experience for the learners. The most interesting paper offered at the Third Year is ‘Understanding Politics through Films’. The highlight of the elective is that students are taught concepts, theory and issues in Indian and world politics by screening films. This helps the students to understand the praxis involved, which is the practical applicability of the theories studied on paper. It makes them look at a medium which is commonly termed as entertainment in a whole new light.
1. Field
Visits and Workshops
• Department of Political Science proposes to initiate a process towards setting up a Competitive Examinations Cell. There is a positive response from students. The Department has held guidance sessions by very senior and respectable officers like Dr D. B. Yedekar, Ex-Chairman, MPSC.
• The Department organised a one week workshop to acquaint students to various competitive examinations in March 2018. It was well received.
• The Department arranges field visits for experiential learning. This includes visits to Gram Sabhas and Panchayat Samitis which helps them to gain crucial knowledge and nuances of their working through actual interaction. One of our earlier batches actually observed the inauguration of the 36th district of Maharashtra—Palghar.
2.Curricular Activities- Department of Political Science has its own blog— —which publishes inputs which have come in from students.
- Live streaming of the Annual Budget and Transform Maharashtra have been a regular feature which makes classroom analysis of policies and programmes relatable.
- Use of ICT, social media like WhatsApp, YouTube, TED Talks are used extensively.
- Film screening and appreciation has been a part of the syllabus.
- Book reviews and assignments on political cartoons have also contributed to the learning process immensely.
3.Co-Curricular Activities- Students with an aptitude towards research are encouraged to take up projects and participate at research meets.
- Guest Lectures have been arranged on pertinent issues like ‘Siachen Glacier and India’s Security Challenges’.
- ‘Digital Trust Dialogues’ was organised by the Department with experts from Google, writers and social media personalities spoke and interacted with students to make young digital users aware of threats and care for online activities. Students wrote blogs for the same and received certificates for the same from Google.
- Students have participated in Model Youth Parliaments, workshops and discussions at other colleges like the SIES College, Kirti College and St. Xavier’s College Autonomous.
- Students have attended film screenings and panel discussions at the American Center and ‘The Rivers of the Future’ at the Nehru Science Centre organised by the Columbia Global Centers, Mumbai.
4.Extension Activities
- Department of Political Science facilitated and arranged for the Voter ID registration for staff and students. Election officers were present in the college foyer to accept the applications with required documents.
- Dr Mahesh Bhagwat has worked extensively for children of farmers who have committed suicide. He has visited famine-affected areas with financial help. He has also been a part of a project which provides farmers in these areas with saplings as alternative forms of income.
Specialisation in the subject of Politics opens up several career opportunities. Politics (Major) prepares learners for civil services, public policy, international relations as also non-governmental activities. Students graduating with Politics have also gone on to make good use of the subject in the fields of Law, Mass Media, Journalism, Teaching, Public Relations, CSR opportunities, Event Management, Brand Building.
• 100% Ph. D. holding faculty members
• Extremely positive students’ feedback
• Strong research orientation
• Favourable Teacher : Learner Ratio
• Good collection of books in the Library
• Use of Innovative Practices of Teaching
• Catering to the needs of Advanced Learners