The department of philosophy in Mithibai College came into existence in
1961. Prof. Ankush Sawant an eminent scholar and research guide is
credited for laying the foundation and inaugurating this department,
when the subject was still in its nascent stage. From then on this
department has only grown to become one of the most coveted departments
of the college.
Almost every year this department acquires
laurels by intermittently producing university rank holders. The credit
goes to the innovative methods and modern approach of teaching which are
student centered. The teachers are constantly devising interesting
tools such as presentations, screening socially relevant films, field
trips, assignments etc. to make philosophy relevant to the current
needs. Students of philosophy are exposed to various sensitive and
relevant issues of our society. The field trips organized for our
students enhance better interaction among students themselves as well as
between students and teachers.
The department has three faculty
members who are completely qualified and dedicated to their job. This is
seen in their interactions with the students within and outside
classrooms. The department organizes two workshops for the students in
the field of yoga during an academic year. This helps students to
increase their concentration level and make them aware of the practical
purposes of yoga. Kudos to the philosophy department for grooming and
nurturing students who learn to apply their class room teaching to their
day to day life and who will be able to contribute to the welfare of
the society with confidence by becoming socially aware citizens.