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  • Introduction
  • Staff Members
  • Activities
  • Staff Achievements
  • Students Achievements
  • Striking Features
The department of philosophy in Mithibai College came into existence in 1961. Prof. Ankush Sawant an eminent scholar and research guide is credited for laying the foundation and inaugurating this department, when the subject was still in its nascent stage. From then on this department has only grown to become one of the most coveted departments of the college.

Almost every year this department acquires laurels by intermittently producing university rank holders. The credit goes to the innovative methods and modern approach of teaching which are student centered. The teachers are constantly devising interesting tools such as presentations, screening socially relevant films, field trips, assignments etc. to make philosophy relevant to the current needs. Students of philosophy are exposed to various sensitive and relevant issues of our society. The field trips organized for our students enhance better interaction among students themselves as well as between students and teachers.

The department has three faculty members who are completely qualified and dedicated to their job. This is seen in their interactions with the students within and outside classrooms. The department organizes two workshops for the students in the field of yoga during an academic year. This helps students to increase their concentration level and make them aware of the practical purposes of yoga. Kudos to the philosophy department for grooming and nurturing students who learn to apply their class room teaching to their day to day life and who will be able to contribute to the welfare of the society with confidence by becoming socially aware citizens.
  • Sachidanand SinghMr. Sachchidanand SinghAssistant Professor
  • Sachidanand SinghMr. Sachchidanand SinghAssistant Professor
  • Department of Philosophy in collaboration with Kaivalyadhama and Amrityoga organized One day workshop on “Healing Miracles of Yoga Nidra and Yoga”. 
  • Screening of films for the students of TYBA which deal with a wide range of issues like child prostitution, life in red light areas and hope for sex worker`s children, Environmental issues, depletion of resources etc.
  • Organising lectures by experts and alumni students for TYBA students on subjects like Bhagvad Gita, Bhagvatam, Yoga, health, personality development etc.
  • Organising a one day workshop on Yoga for the TYBA students in the college, by Ms. Namrata Sharma, who gives an insight about the various aspects of exercise, food and health.
  • The Dept. organised an educational visit to the various places of worship in Mumbai . The students studying comparative Religion get an actual idea of the various modes of worship followed by various Religion.
  • The Dept. organised a one day workshop of Yoga at Santa Cruz. The students studying Yoga paper at the T.Y.B.A get an exposure to the actual practices of Asana & Pranayama along with the health & mental concentration associated with it.
  • Organised a visit to Vipassana Centre, Golden Pagoda fo TY BA Students.
  • Department of philosophy has started an Add-on Course on “Philosophy of Holistic Wellbeing” for students and staff.

Dipesh Upadhyay

  • Completed Teachers training course in Yoga Nidra
  • Presented papers at Seminars and Conferences
  • Completed Course in Vipassana Meditation 
  • Invited as resource person for Staff Colloquium and Bombay Philosophical Society  

Deepa Jaydev

  • Completed MA in English Literature 
  • Completed two levels in French
  • Completed Courses of Reiki, Aura and Chakra, Lamafera and Yoga Maya
  • Published a paper in IJCRT on “ Strategies of Warfare: Chanakya v/s SunTzu

Mr. Sachchidanand Singh

  • Presented papers at Seminars and Conferences

  • Kshitij Mohanta completed successfully teacher training course in Yoga Nidra.
  • Manuni Desai has won various awards in Youth festivals in western singing.
  • Department of Philosophy has started add-on course on “Philosophy of Holistic Wellbeing”. 
  • Department of Philosophy has MOU with Kaivalya Dham for promoting Yoga in education.