The library of Mithibai College (Jitendra Library) is one of the best libraries in the city of Mumbai with the State of Art Infrastructure. It is serving its users from the inception of College, i.e. from year 1961.Library is situated at ground floor occupying carpet area of 6900 sq.ft., and is entirely air-conditioned supported with modern technologies like Wi-Fi, Digital CCTV, RFID gates, Self-Issue and Book Drop Kiosk.Library users can access Online Databases through Wi-Fi. Library shares its resources under inter library loan with other libraries of SVKM. Library in-house functions are automated through KOHA software, which assists users to locate reading the material, by title, author and subject queries. Online Catalogue of books and non-book material is available through the Union Web OPAC.
Library caters to a clientele of students, faculty and staff members with its profound collection of Books, Journals, CDs and other resource material. An ‘Open Access’ lends a hand to the users to pick a book of their choice.Library has been upgraded with the RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) to secure its collection. To move along with the technologies, Library is now equipped with the Self Issue Kiosk for users to issue books without the Library staff intervention and also installed a Book Drop Machine, wherein the books can be returned through automated systems.
For the differently abled students Library has procured a Braille Embosser, which helps the students to print the required study material in Braille Language.
Hall and book transaction time:
Monday to
Friday: 07:00 am to 07:00 pm.
10:00 am to 5:30 pm.
Closed on
Sundays and Public holidays.
Mithibai College Library facilitates an access to 39 electronic databases to its enrolled members. Out of 39 databases, 21 databases subscribed under N-LIST and 28 databases are from SVKM consortia. Users can follow the links provided below to access the databases.
Click here to access the databaseA dynamic
Catalogue serves users as a union catalogue of SVKM institutions. A search is available through author, title, subject, publisher, ISBN and Boolean logic queries. Users can reserve books and check the transaction history using their login Ids.
Click here for WebOPAC link.Library users can access Mithibai College Library Repository. The access is restricted for the campus only. Repository includes question papers, newspaper clippings on select subjects and research papers authored by Mithibai Faculty. Users may follow the link to access Institutional Repository when they are on campus.
Mithibai College Library Institutional RepositoryCalibre’ is an open source e-book library management application. It can convert e-book into several formats such as EPUB, MOBI, PDF, TXT, RTF, ZIP, HTMLZ, etc. Users may follow the link to access ‘Calibre OPAC’ to know about e-books available in Mithibai Library through Calibre when they are on campus.
Calibre’ an open source e-book library22 daily leading newspapers altogether in English, Gujarati, Marathi and Hindi languages are available for the users in the library.
User Training and
Orientation: The library conducts user training for students
in their classrooms as well as in the library in a group of 10 students at a
Book Exhibitions: The
library arranges a book exhibition every year and invites publishers and
vendors to display books for sale. Users may obtain resources at concessional
rates during the exhibition.
Book Displays: Library
arranges Display of books on various themes such as Women’s Day, Marathi Bhasha
Din, subject wise display of books etc.

Mrs. Archana Garate
B.A., B.Lib. & Inf. Sc., M.Lib. & Inf. Sc., M.Phil.,
Research Papers Presented: 04
Publications: 10
Asst. Librarian:
- Mr. Kalpesh Mejaree (Aided section)
- Mr. Shrikant Chavan (Un-aided section)
Library Clerk: - Smt. M. D. Sawant
- Smt. Sonali Labdhe
- Mr. Santosh More
- Ms. Gauri Raut
- Mr. Prabhakar Narvekar
- Smt. Vijeta Kadam (Un-aided section)
Library Attendant:- Mr. A.S.Ghume
- Mr. S.K.Pawar
- Mr. M.H.Pawar
- Mr. Aniket Warang
- Ms. Harsha Patel
- Mr. Padmakar Kadam
- Mr. Mangalmurti Kamble
For suggestions and feedbacks you can contact [only related to library]
Mrs. Archana Garate
LibrarianMithibai College of Arts, Chauhan Institute of Science
& Amrutben Jivanlal College of Commerce and Economics
Vile Parle(West), Mumbai. PIN- 400 056.