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Internal Complaints Committee
  • Introduction
  • Committee Members
  • Purview
Mithibai College is committed to the cause of Justice and Equality amongst all its stake holders. To ensure a Safe and harassment-free campus, the college has formed the Internal committee as a statutory body.  Adhering to POSH 2013- The Sexual Harassments of Women at Work Place (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act 2013  and UGC (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal of Sexual Harassment of Women Employees and Students in Higher Educational Institutions) Regulations 2015, The formation of the committee is as per the guidelines and the mandate. The Committee, apart from having 50% of its members as women, headed by a female presiding officer, also has an NGO representative on its board
Regular and timely meetings of the members are conducted to review the complaints, if any. Regular orientation and awareness campaigns enables dissemination of the ‘zero tolerance policy’ against any untoward incident harassment on the campus, amongst the faculty and the learners. The college also has a separate Women Development Cell (WDC) to sensitize its stake holders towards gender equality and justice. WDC organizes events, talks and workshops in collaboration with IC of Mithibai College.
As per UGC Guidelines 2016, following Committees have been revised for academic year 2020-21 & 2021-22 as under:

Internal Complaints Committee
1.    Ms. Bidisha Sarkar (Presiding officer)
2.    Dr. Khevana Desai
3.    Dr. Keshmira Patel
4.    Mr. Gopal Mantri
5.    Ms. Pranali Dhanu
6.    Ms. Leena Naik
7.    Ms. Medhavinee Namjoshi (External Member)