The *Institutional Social Responsibility (ISR) Committee* of Mithibai College is back this year with its 4 exciting programs that will provide the students with an opportunity to help the community in many different ways!??
*The programs we have this year are as follows:*
1. Joy of Giving - Collection drive of clothes, books, stationery etc for the necessitous??
2. NGO Bazaar - A two day fair where various NGOs gather to sell their handmade products??
3. Mentoring the underprivileged children : Organising volunteers to mentor children about daily habits, hygiene and more. ????
4. Writers for the differently abled students - Organising volunteers to assist differently abled students write their examinations.???
If you wish to be a part of the committee, register here:
Event: Joy of Giving
Date of the Event: 23rd August 2022 to 27th August 2022.
The Institutional Social Responsibility Committee (ISR) of SVKM’s Mithibai College(Autonomous) organized their annual event ‘Joy of Giving’. It was a 5-day initiative which commenced on the 23rd of August 2022 and ended on 27th August 2022. I/c Principal, Dr. Krutika Desai inaugurated the event along with the Vice Principal of Science, Dr. Meenakshi Vaidya and Vice Principal of Commerce, Dr. Anjali Patkar. Several teachers, volunteers and students were present for the inauguration. Student participation was very good this year with total number 548 student donors. Also several faculty and non-teaching staff also made donations this year. The NGO's which accepted the donations as per their requirements were the Rescue Foundation, Kukkoo Foundation, Manav Kalyan Seva Sangh, Aftertaste, Sneha Sagar Society Ashram, Vivekananda Youth Forum, Mann Foundation, Shrimad Rajchandra mission and the We Can We Will Foundation. Overall the event was a great success with many students who also enthusiastically participated as volunteers and were motivated to organize and participate in such events in the future.