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Digital Campus
With the Internet explosion, the use of mobile phones, mobile apps, tablets, laptops, and other modern devices, things are becoming more and more digitalized in today’s world. The aim of higher education, in current context, is to prepare the Gen X for being employed or being their own employers. This indicates at modernizing to a great extent the teaching learning process and to make it go hand in gloves with the students who are technologically very savvy.
Mithibai college has been using SAP with 3 modules, viz- Student life cycle, HR management and Purchase and procurement. The admission process involves online filling of admission forms and online generation of merit lists. The management has obtained licenses for the patented Blackboard technology, a Learning Management System (LMS) and has also developed its own student’s portal. Further, the campus has LED displays to convey information to students and for maintaining their safety RFID gates are installed.
With the RUSA grant, we would like to make our institution a Digital Campus, by July 2019. This will help us strengthen our streamlined admission process, allowing for all admission related activities to be online. The teaching pedagogy can be enhanced by extensive formulation and use of e-content. We also have started work on strengthening our evaluation & examination system and making it robust with green delivery of exam papers to students using tablets.  Data management will get a boost as all data will be readily available at a click.