Buddy Carnival
Enjoy Activities like Fortune Wheel, Positive Intention tree, Punch Me, Hit the Target, Dance Performance and many more
Come and Enjoy
are around the corner. So, what… well I am very sure all of you will do
wonderfully well in your upcoming SY JC board exams.
will be times when one start doubting about oneself weather one would be able
to get good score. Its normal under the situation as everyone is trying to give
ones best.
give your 100% of sincerity of whatever you are doing. Eat and sleep well.
Remember to sweat out for ½ an hour every day out door for better
concentration. Follow Time Table religiously.
Just trust yourself THAT I CAN DO IT. And you are good to go.
you all the best for your exams. Stay blessed. Connect to your Counsellor
When we feel….
anxiety is a normal, but highly subjective, human emotion. While experiencing
anxiety in stressful situations like exams, job interviews or medical tests is
common. It is important to take a step
back from time to time and ground oneself. Stress and anxiety often go
stress can be managed by revising the syllabus till you reach a point where you
are happy with your preparation. Removing stress completely is hard but this
helps reduce it significantly. Periodically unfocused from what is causing you
stress by taking a walk, listening to music, keeping a journal or Talking About
yourself with people you feel comfortable around. A lot of times peer pressure
comes primarily from the people closest to us. While they usually mean well, it
is important to be able to recognise what works for you and what doesn't.
breathe deeply, go slowly. Go easy on yourself. Whatever you do today is
enough. You are enough. Trust yourself. Trust your abilities and capabilities
and remind yourself every day that you can do it.
by Buddy Asavari FY BA
Edited by:
Karuna Jaggi

This is to intimate one and all that the Mithibai College has an in – house
Students and Parents of
- Degree College
- Unaided College
- Junior College
- Teaching and Non-teaching staff
can avail of counselling facilities.

Counselling can be availed regarding
- Education
- Personal
- Family
- Stress
- Emotional
- Adjustment
- Behavioural and interpersonal relationship issues

Mrs Karuna Jaggi
Counseling Schedule Monday-Friday(2 & 4 Saturdays). 09.30 a.m. to 16.30 p.m. Cabin No. 730, (Faculty area)
7th Floor old NMIMS, Mithibai
Contact No. - 022 - 42335194
Dear students ,
Please note that the Counsellor
shall be available in the college on Wednesdays and Fridays.
Students will be notified in
case of any changed schedule.
Do take appointment before
coming to the college from the Counsellor.
Life is beautiful with challenges

This is an awareness drive on World Suicide Prevention day, 10th of September. We as Buddies of Mithibai Counselling Cell are celebrating it, as ‘Life is beautiful with many hurdles and challenges’.
is beautiful with everyday challenges, which makes it all the more wonderful. We
face challenges, deal with them, cope with them and move ahead in life with vigor
and strength to face more challenges. This is the roller coaster journey of
life. Each one of us has to go through these ebbs and flows. We just have to grab
the opportunities that comes knocking on our door.
Students have many aspirations and dreams. They work hard towards achieving their goals but it does not mean that things will always go their way; their dreams may or may not come true, it simply means that there is something better waiting for them in the future.
There are many difficulties in personal educational and later on in career life. Students think that having friends is a compulsion or necessity; this may not be the case always. The main purpose in the college is to study and pursue your goals. If they have friends, it is great but even if they do not its okay. They can indulge themselves in the college activities, pick up an interesting book from the library, focus on self-care and most importantly do any kind of physical activity every day for an hour. This will definitely pump in the positivity throughout your body.
Friends, going down the pit of anxiety is very easy because you just slide into it but climbing out of that pit takes a lot of effort.
Communication and sharing can help you to get out of that dark space. Share your emotions/ feelings with parents or anyone who makes you comfortable.
Alternatively, unleash all your pent-up emotions on a piece of paper and then tear it up.
Life is not a smooth drive. We hit many bumps on the road but as Mr. Little from the movie ‘Stuart little’ says, “No matter how bleak, how hopeless a situation is, you can still see the bright side, the silver lining.” Little things in life can make you happy like when a person smiles at you when you are having a bad day, running into a friend you have not seen in a while or when your friend makes you laugh so hard that your stomach hurts. If you focus on little things that make you happy, the sadness will fade away. Most importantly, do not lose hope because if you had a rough day today, there are many better days in line for you.
Life fails to be perfect but never fails to be beautiful.

Dear parents listen to
your wards and by listening; I mean active listening. If the children themselves
are not coming forward to talk to the parents, they must create such a bond
with the children that they feel comfortable and safe enough in sharing what is
troubling them. It may take a while to establish this bond (especially with
teenagers) but gradually it will grow stronger.
Therefore, friends, let us
take each day as the new beginning of a beautiful life ahead.
Let us count our blessings.
Thank you. Wish you all a
lovely day and year ahead.
Idea conceived and edited
under the guidance of Karuna Jaggi Ma’am

Writer: Dhriti Kotian
Class: FYBSc Psychology Division: D

are here to hear you!
can call any of the following nos if you want to share your pent up
are Buddies ...to keep all confidental.
Support Buddy group
cell of Mithibai College.
Rianna Wadiwalla
Dhvani Shah
Jai Sivasubramanian
Niva Shah
Asavari Khandagale
Academic year
The Student Support Buddy Group established in 2017, when
the college Counsellor Madam Karuna Jaggi realized the need for a group of
students to support and listen to the issues of the rest.
A Buddy is an
unconditional friend, a non-judgemental well-wisher of all the students. Any
student who has no friends or is feeling alone or lonely, can contact any one
of the Buddies where we listen to you without any judgements or prejudices. We
will lend a listening ear for you to talk or share any of your issues one is
troubled. A Buddy cannot give any suggestions but if any
student has any issue, they referred to the college Counsellor Mrs. Karuna
The group on its
establishment was a success. Buddies have been great listeners and an amazing
support for the student body. Various events have been organized by the buddies
under the guidance of Karuna ma'am. Outreach programs, street plays, stress
buster events, carnivals, etc., have been a success throughout the last
academic year. Throughout the years students have reached out to the buddies,
told them their issues. When some issues were too big for the buddies to help
with, they recommended the students to reach out to the counsellor, Karuna
As the group has been
expanding its influence over the years. Starting from the academic year 2023-2024
the Student Support Buddy Group has a dedicated cubicle in the college foyer
where all students irrespective of any gender students can come and talk to the
buddies available. The Buddy Group is now closer and more available for the
students. In the month of June, the Buddy Group acquired the cubicle. At the
cubicle, the current buddies are available in rotation for whenever a student
wants to talk to them during the college hours. In the month of July, the group
has kept a registration desk where the students can register themselves to
become an unconventional friend for the students. This registration desk will
be open until the end of August. As the new members come in the Buddy Group
will move forward with its agenda for the academic year 2023-3024. The counselling
cell on the seventh floor in the NMIMS building is also open to all the
Compiled by Buddy Maitrey
Secretary, Buddy group