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  • Introduction
  • Staff Members
  • Activities
  • Staff Achievement
  • Research/Publication
Biotechnology is one of the courses that has wide number of disciplines covered and offers a good job scope for the future generations.  There is need and demand for biotechnology due to the vast domains of research in agriculture, veterinary, industry, and health and environmental to name a few.  India being a developing country, and leader in vaccine development and processing became a major hotspot for biotechnological industry.  In the current scenario, it has become a survival tool to diagnose, control the pandemic conditions and in future to normalize the process of developing immunity and sustainability.
The Department of Biotechnology at Mithibai College established in 2002 under the guidance of Dr. Dileep Kamat.  It spread its wings by enrolling postgraduate students in the year 2007 under the supervision of Dr. Mangaonkar.  It has achieved its highest honour as research centre under the guidance of Dr. Rajpal Hande in 2017.  Four research Students are currently working on different fields of Biotechnology under the able guidance of Research Guide, Dr.Jayaprada Rao Chunduri. The department has set the records of research high by winning the first Chancellor Challenge of five lakh rupees for innovative ideas of Ms.Madiha Shaikh. The department is proud to mention its research achievements by completing eight BCUD projects. The department has published approximately 75 research papers in national and international journals.
The admissions of students are merit based at undergraduate and postgraduate level. The non-mathematics students will attend a skill enhancement training as Bridge course in Elementary Mathematics and statistics.  Interested undergraduate, post-graduate students as well as faculty undertake research projects as part of their curricular and co-curricular activities.
The department strives to create an academic environment that would match the best Biotechnology Institutes in the world. The curriculum aims to provide a platform for biotechnology students and enables them to prepare for lifelong learning, by nurturing independent thinking, initiating scientific enquiry and developing their entrepreneurship skills thereby enhancing their employability.  The subject topics widely cover the current developments in the scientific arena.   Students  are trained to be proficient by providing them a vibrant environment which encourages research and innovations in biotechnology for their universal development  The Department of Biotechnology organizes events such as BIOTECHNOVA to provide a platform to showcase student’s talent in academic, extracurricular and co-curricular area and for the overall development of students
  • Mrs.  Shubhada WalvekarDr.(Mrs.) Shubhada WalvekarAssistant Professor
    Head of Department
  • Dr. Mrs. Jayaprada Rao  ChunduriDr. Mrs. Jayaprada
    Rao Chunduri
    Assistant Professor
  • Dr. Mrs. Shruti SinghDr. Mrs. Shruti SinghAssistant Professor
  • Mrs. Muzna  R. ShaikhMrs. Muzna R. ShaikhAssistant Professor
  • Mrs.  Shubhada WalvekarDr.(Mrs.) Shubhada WalvekarAssistant Professor
    Head of Department
  • Dr. Mrs. Jayaprada Rao  ChunduriDr. Mrs. Jayaprada
    Rao Chunduri
    Assistant Professor
  • Dr. Mrs. Shruti SinghDr. Mrs. Shruti SinghAssistant Professor
  • Mrs. Muzna  R. ShaikhMrs. Muzna R. ShaikhAssistant Professor
Activities conducted by the department in the year 2020-21 and 2021-22
  • National Webinar: Advances in Biotechnology on 23rd July, 2021
  • National Seminar: Impact of climate change on biodiversity and environmental sustainability. On 31st July 2021

Dr. (Ms.) Jayaprada Rao Chunduri

• Academic Editor/ Author  Suggested Reviewer for Journal of Fisheries and Aquaculture; ISSN : 0976-9927 (Print) E-ISSN : 0976-9935 (Index Copernicus Value (ICV) : 6.84 (2012) DOI : 10.9735/0976-9927
• Member - Editorial board of European Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research; ISSN : 2394- 3211 (SJIF Impact Factor 2.026)


  • UGC sponsored Refresher course in Biosciences conducted by UGC Human Resource Development Centre, University of Mumbai, at Vaze College, Mumbai.,2017
  • Attended off-site Faculty Development Program (FDP) on ‘Academic Excellence during Autonomy’, held under the aegis of the IQAC and DBT –Star college scheme, at Rambhau Mhalgi Prabodhini- Keshav Shrusti, Uttan, on 7th & 8th April 2018.
  • Resource person and subject expert for one day workshop on Syllabus revision –Biotechnology  held on 3rd February at Thakur College
  • Academic Editor/ Author/ Suggested Reviewer for Journal of Fisheries and Aquaculture; ISSN : 0976-9927 (Print) E-ISSN : 0976-9935 (Index Copernicus Value (ICV) : 6.84 (2012) DOI : 10.9735/0976-9927

  • Prarthana Singh, Shraddha Mishra, Mansi Bhanushali, Saisha Karbhari, Jayaprada Rao ChunduriBioanalytical, antibacterial and bioautographic assessment of spathe of Musa Sps.,2018: 6 (2): 171-179
  • Shashwati Godbole, Samir mamdalani , Abdeali Jivaji and JayaPrada Rao Chunduri*. “Fur microbiomes of Canis sps.” 2018 : Global journal of Bio-sciences and biotechnology (GJBB), Vol. 7[3] July, 2018(Accepted for publication)
  • Shah Rupal, Shah Ajay and Chunduri Jayaprada Rao. Mycobacterium tuberculosis prevalence in  Suburbs of Mumbai  – A Case Study.Int. J. of Life Sciences, Volume 6, No.2,  2018.  IJLSCI_0787 (Accepted for publication)
  • JayaPrada Rao C,2016, Bio-monitoring to assess the pollution impact on harbour coastal ecosystems-A case study.  JESE. ISSN 0367-827 X. Indian journal of environmental health 58(1):57-64 
  • JayaPrada Rao Chunduri and Hetvi Shah. 2016. FTIR  phytochemical finger printing and  antioxidant  anlyses of selected indoor non-flowering  indoor plants and   their industrial  importance. ( IJCPR- 14291)( Impact factor sjif-4.10)  paper accepted for publication.

  • Paper  presented on Periplaneta spp. - potent source of Moonlight protein  at National conference `BIOINNOVA’ in association with Department of Biotechnology, University of Mumbai on 10th February 2018. (Co author)
  • Poster  presented on “IDENTIFICTION AND CHARACTERISATION OF MOONLIGHT PROTEIN FROM Periplaneta spp” at National Conference on Protein Structure and Dynamics in Health and Agriculture, Department of Biosciences and Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Basic Sciences, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi, under the aegis of Protein Society, India during November 3-4, 2017. (Co author) 
  • E Poster on “Bioautography of the bract phytochemical components  of Musa Sps.” By Prarthana Singh, Mansi Bhanushali, Shraddha Mishra, Saisha Karbhari, Jayaprada Rao Chunduri   was selected in Top 5 of E-Poster Competition in 5th National DNA Day at  Vellore Institute of Technology.2017 (Co author)
  • Poster presented  on Analytical Study and Evaluation Of Floral Parts Of Musa sps.  along with Prarthana Singh, Mansi Bhanushali, Shraddha Mishra, Saisha Karbhari at  Konark group (Co author)
  • Poster presentation at Wilson College organized by Konark Group of Companies(6th Research Meet) - Immuno  binding  ability of phytal extracts with indoor  fungal antigen and human antibodies
  • Poster presentation at Wilson College organized by Konark Group of Companies(6th Research Meet) - Molecular scissors from lab bacteria and their efficacy; won 2nd prize
  • Poster presentation at Wilson College organized by Konark Group of Companies(6th Research Meet) - A comparative study of Indian garlic varieties and their efficacy as antioxidants
  • Poster presentation at Wilson College organized by Konark Group of Companies(6th Research Meet) - Indoor phytal extracts and their antibacterial properties
  • Poster presentation at Guru Nanak Institute for Research & Development (GNIRD) , G.N.Khalsa College, Matunga - A comparative study of Indian garlic varieties and their efficacy as antioxidants; won 2nd prize (9 January 2016)

  • Two days seminar on Nuclear Mangnetic Resonance Spectroscopy held on may 24th and 25th May 2018 at SAIF, IIT Mumbai
  • Seminar on High resolution Liquid Chromatography Mass Spectrometer-Orbitrap Biopharrma held on 23rd May,2018  at SAIF, IIT Mumbai
  • Workshop for syllabus of FYBSc Biotechnology by Biotechnology Department at  Vaze Kelkar  college,(16 th July, 2016)
  • Workshop for syllabus of Restructured SYBSc Biotechnology by Biotechnology Department at  Vaze Kelkar  college,2017-18
  • Workshop for syllabus of   MSc Biotechnology part-1 by Biotechnology Department at  Mumbai University (September,2016)
  • Workshop on ‘Curriculum design and development’ held on 24th August 2016 at MIthibai college of Arts, Chauhan Institute of Science and Amrutben J Jivanlal college of Commerce, Mumbai.

  • Workshop on ‘Molecular Biology Techniques’ for T.Y.B.Sc. Biotechnology students of Mithibai College on 23th and 24th April, 2018 under the DBT-STAR Programme.
  • Workshop  on ‘Hands on Training in Maintenance and Management of Laboratory Instruments’ for laboratory staff of Mithibai College on 03rd February 2018 under the DBT-STAR Programme
  • Workshop on ‘Cocept of Prior Art’- Patent filing  organized by  Department of Biotechnology, Mithibai college. on 6th March 2017.
  • Workshop on ‘ Western Blotting and PCR conducted  under Star DBT organized by  Department of Biotechnology, Mithibai college. on  March 2018.
  • Workshop on ‘Cocept of Prior Art’- Patent filing  organized by  Department of Biotechnology, Mithibai college. on 6th March 2017.
  • Primer Design and PCR  workshop organized by Dept of Biotechnology, Mithibai College,  held on21st and 22nd October,2016.
  • Guest lectures on”Omes and Omics and Biobanks”  organized by Dept of Biotechnology, Mithibai College, Mumbaion 20,September, 2016.
  • Organized two day intercollegiate event “BIOTECHNOVA” with Rs.70,000  sponsorship on 25th-26th November,2016
  • Organized one day intercollegiate event “BIOTECHNOVA” December 2017.

Dr.(Ms.) Shubhada Walvekar


 1.Published a research paper on ‘Evaluation of bioactive components and bactericidal action of tropical mushrooms Ganoderma tsugae and Dadaelea quercina’  in The Journal of Phytochemistry, Photon, 118 (2017), 417-422, ISJN: 4172-8352: Impact Index: 4.90.

2.Published a research paper on ‘Production of polyploidizing agent inducd  improved variety of  Aegle marmelos (L) Corr. and its screening for morphological features and medicinal properties’ in European Journal of Biotechnology and Bioscience Vol. 5(3), May 2017, 57-61. Impact Factor – RJIF – 5.44.

3.Published a research paper on ‘Effect of Gamma radiations on morphological features, phytochemical profile and ISSR binding sites in Aegle marmelos (L) Corr.’ in International Journal of Biotechnology, Photon, 115 (2016), 487-492, ISJN: 3352-7304: Impact Index: 4.23.

4.Published a research paper on ‘Effect of physical and chemical mutagens on antibacterial and hypoglycemic activity of Aegle marmelos (L) Corr.’ in EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF BIOTECHNOLOGY AND BIOSCIENCE, Volume 4, Issue 4, 25-28. (2016), ISSN: 2321-9122, Impact Factor: RJIF 5.44.


1.Co-authored oral presentation on ‘Study of tropical mushrooms Ganoderma tsugae and Dadaelea quercina as effective antioxidants and bactericidal agents’ at International conference on Integration of science, social science, humanities and technology in current scenario: The global perspectives on 22 April 2017, organized by Vikas college of Arts, Science and Commerce, Mumbai.

2.Co author of the poster ‘Synthesis Of Silver Nanoparticle Using Microwave Assisted Method And Checking Its Antimicrobial Efficiency’ presented at National Seminar on Oriental Medicine and Its Role in Hunan Health’ organized in Smt CHM College, Ulasnagar on 10th and 11th February 2017. 

3.Co author of the poster ‘Phytochemical Testing And Antimicrobial Analysis Of Nelumbo Nucifera (Lotus) Seeds’ presented at National Seminar on Oriental Medicine and Its Role in Hunan Health’ organized in Smt CHM College, Ulasnagar on 10th and 11th February 2017. 

4.Co-author of poster ‘Study Of Seasonal Wild Vegetables As Nutraceuticals’ presented at ‘International Conference on Emerging Trends for Sustainable Agriculture’, organized by B.N. Bandodkar College between 6-7 January, 2017

5.Co-author of poster ‘Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles capped in Starch and Their Effect on Soil Microflora and Soil Exoenzyme Activity’ presented at ‘International Conference on Emerging Trends for Sustainable Agriculture’, organized by B.N. Bandodkar College between 6-7 January, 2017.

6.Awarded Second Prize for the poster ‘Study of effect of colchicines treatment in  Aegle marmelos (L) Corr. in vitro’ presented in UGC sponsored National Conference  on ‘Oriental Medicine and Its Role in Human Health’ Organized by Department of Zoology, Smt. Chandibai Himathmal Mansukhani College on 2nd  – 3rd September 2016.


1.International conference on Integration of science, social science, humanities and technology in current scenario: The global perspectives on 22 April 2017, organized by Vikas college of Arts, Science and Commerce, Mumbai.

2.Participation in UGC sponsored National Conference  on ‘Oriental Medicine and Its Role in Human Health’ Organized by Department of Zoology, Smt. Chandibai Himathmal Mansukhani College on 2nd - 3rd  September 2016.

3.Participation in Multi-Disciplinary International Conference on ‘Science, Sustainability and Society in the Current Scenario: Challenges and Opportunities’ Organized by Vikas College of Arts, Science and Commerce in association with Indian Association of Aquatic Biologists, Hydrabad and Naushad Ali Sarovar Samvardhini, Mumbai on 20th February, 2016.

4.Workshop on ‘Curriculum design and development’ held on 24th August 2016 at MIthibai college, Mumbai.


1.Organized a two days hands-on Workshop on ‘Molecular Biology Techniques’ for T.Y.B.Sc. Biotechnology students of Mithibai College on 23th and 24th April, 2018 under the DBT-STAR Programme. 

2.Organized a Hands-on workshop on ‘Hands on Training in Maintenance and Management of Laboratory Instruments’ for laboratory staff of Mithibai College on 03rd February 2018 under the DBT-STAR Programme.

3.Workshop on Primer Design and PCR analysis in association with Panacea Care Pvt. Ltd. On 21st and 22nd October 2016.

4.Guest lectures on ‘Omes and Omics’ by Dr. Narayana Rao, Scientist BARC and ‘Bio-banks’ by Dr. Vikrant Sagar, Director, Panacea Care Pvt. Ltd on 20th September 2016.


1.Revised Syllabus Workshop for M.Sc. Biotechnology organized by Biotechnology Department, University of Mumbai on 20th January 2017.

2.Revised Syllabus Workshop for T.Y.B.Sc. Biotechnology organized by SIES College on 11th June 2016.

3.Revised Syllabus Workshop for F.Y.B.Sc. Biotechnology organized by V.G.Vaze College on 16th July 2016.

Dr.(Ms.) Rency Elizabeth Sunil


  • Research paper on ‘Vapour phase antifungal activity of C. aurantium essential oil and its effectiveness in controlling common bread spoilage molds’ World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2018,Volume 7, Issue 4, 1603-1616
  • Research paper on ‘Study of the antibiofilm and antiplanktonic effect of a commercially available oral hygiene product’ European Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences 2017, Volume 4, Issue 7, 798-802.
  • Research paper on ‘Study of the Efficiency of Trachyspermum ammi L. essential Oil for its Application in Active Food Packaging Technology’ International Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemical Research 2017; 9(8); 1148-1152
  • Research paper on ‘Comparative study of Antiplatelet Aggregation Activity of Bacopa monnieri extracted using Microwave and Ultrasonication’ International Journal Of Advances In Pharmacy, Biology And Chemistry(IJAPBC), 2015; 4(2):409-413.
  •  Research paper on ‘HPTLC and HPLC analysis of T. chebula extracts prepared using microwave and ultrasonication assisted extraction methods’ Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry 2015; 4(1): 192-196.

1. Attended Multi- Disciplinary International conference on ‘Science, Sustainability and Society in the Current Scenario: Challenges and opportunities’ organized by Vikas College of Arts,Science and Commerce in association with Indian association of Aquatic Biologists, Hyderabad and Naushad Ali Sarovar Samvardhini, Mumbai on 20th February 2016
2. Attended symposium on “Bionanotechnology: Future Prospects” organized by  Dept. of Chemistry, Botany and Biotechnology, Birla college in association with National center for Nanosciences and Nanotechnology, University of Mumbai   on 17th February 2016.

Dr(Ms.) Shruti Singh


  • Research paper on “Studies on Antimicrobial and Phytochemical Properties of Allium sativum Extracts.”. International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology. Vol. 7, Issue 5,5371-5376. 2018 ISSN(Online): 2319-8753                  
  • Research paper on “In vitro Antifungal Susceptibility Profiles of Echinocandins and Triazoles for Clinical Opportunistic Candida isolates by E-test method.”. International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET) Volume 6 Issue IV, 3314-3322. 2018 ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 6.887
  • Research paper on “Identification and estimation of non-permitted food colours (sudan and rhodamine-b dye) in chilli and curry powder by rapid colour test, thin layer chromatography and spectrophotometry”. International journal of current microbiology and applied sciences, 6(7): 1970-1981. 2017.ISSN:2319-7706.Impactfactor-6.041
  • Research paper on “Identification and estimation of non-permitted food colours (metanil yellow and aniline dyes) in turmeric powder by rapid color test and thin layer chromatography”. World journal of pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences. volume 6, issue 8, 2034-2045. .2017 ISSN 2278 – 4357. Impact factor-6.041  Research paper on “Green synthesis, characterization, and antimicrobial properties of copper nanoparticles from nerium oleander leaf aqueous extract”. European journal of biomedical and pharmaceutical sciences,Volume 4, issue 12 692-699. ISSN 2349-8870.2017   Impact factor-4.382                
  • Research paper on “Screening, isolation and identification of antibiotics producing microorganisms from potential soil samples of Western regions of Mumbai”. Journal of Global Biosciences, Volume 6, Number 6, pp. 5070-5076. .2017 ISSN 2320-1355                                 
  • Research paper on “Studies on alkaloids extraction, identification by thin layer chromatography from some medicinal plants and evaluating its antimicrobial potential.”. European journal of biomedical and pharmaceutical sciences, Volume 4, Issue 6, 627-631 2349-8870.2017. Impact factor-4.382          Review paper on “Green nanobiotechnology - an overview of synthesis, characterization and applications- A review”. World journal of pharmacy and pharmaceutical Sciences. Vol 5, issue 8,501-531.ISSN 2278-4357. 2016.Impact factor-6.041
  • Research paper on “Pathogenicity of Ascotricha chartarum for Albino rats and Drugs sensitivity testing: study of a clinical isolate from cerebrospinal fluid of a cancer patient.”International journal of sciences and pharmaceutical research. Volume 25. Number 3 ,120-125, .2016.ISSN : 2349-4689

  • Co-authored paper presentation on “soil screening for antibiotics producing microorganisms.” at national seminar on “Biosciences: A journey towards innovation” on 10 march 2018, organized by Birla college of arts, science and commerce, Mumbai.
  • Co-authored oral presentation on “Isolation and screening of antibiotics producing microorganisms from western region of Mumbai.” at International conference on “Integration of science, social science, humanities and technology in current scenario: The global perspectives” on 22 April 2017, organized by vikas college of arts, science and commerce, Mumbai.
  • Co-authored poster presentation on “Green synthesis of Copper Nanoparticles from Nerium oleander Leaf aqueous extract and its Antibacterial Activity.” at National symposium on “Frontiers in Applied Biological and Chemical Sciences” on 10 and 11 February 2017, organized by Research Center of microbiology Department of CHM college, Ulhasnagar. (Won Best Poster award)
  • Co-authored poster presentation on “Extraction and Identification of synthetic food colours adulteration in selected food items by rapid color test and paper chromatography.” at National symposium on “Frontiers in Applied Biological and Chemical Sciences” on 10 and 11 February 2017, organized by Research Center of microbiology Department of CHM college, Ulhasnagar
  • Co-authored Poster presentation on “Emerging In- vitro Antifungal drug resistance among clinical isolates of Candida albicans and candida non albicans from cental India.”at National conference on “Oriental medicine and its role in human health” on 2-3 Sept, 2016 organized by Department of Zoology, CHM college, Thane

  • Received research grant for Minor Research Project under Board of colleges and University Departments for the project entitled ‘In vitro antifungal susceptibility profile determined by E-test for some clinically important Candida isolates in the year 2017.

Attended RUSA sponsored Short term course on” Contemporary Strategies for  Teaching and Evaluation” organized by UGC Human Resource development Center at University of Mumbai from 13 October 2016-19 October 2016.
  • Recognized as Post graduate teacher of University of Mumbai for M.Sc. Biotechnology
  • Received research grant for minor research Project under Board of colleges and University Departments in the year 2017.
  • Appointed as Local Inquiry Committee (LIC) member by University of Mumbai (2017)
  • Joint secretary of an NGO entitled “Society for Research diagnosis and treatment of human fungal diseases” (SRDTHED), Jabalpur (M.P)
  • Manuscript Reviewer for Scientific journals

Ms. Muzna Shaikh


  • Co-authored poster presentation on ‘Fruit peels as novel source of antibacterial agents’ at National Seminar on ‘Biosciences:  A Journey Towards Innovation’ organized by Birla College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Kaylan, Maharashtra, India on 10th March 2018
  • Co-authored poster presentation on ‘Evaluation of antibacterial activity of selected fruit peels’ at Dept. of Biosciences and bioengineering IIT bombay, on 24th March 2018

1.Member of organizing committee of “ Research Meet” organized by Mithibai College- January 2015
2.Member of  organizing committee for workshop on F.Y.B.Sc  Biotechnology Credit based semester system Revised syllabus held on 14th July 2014
3.Member of Syllabus framing committee CBSGS Revised syllabus of F. Y , S.Y., T.Y. B.Sc Biotechnology. 
4.Participated in workshop on F.Y.B.Sc  Biotechnology Credit based semester system organized by Mithibai college held on 14th July 2014 
5.Participated in Seminar on ‘Energy options for India;Non- conventional sources of energy ‘ organized by Mithibai college in association with Chemical Research society of India held on 23rd August 2014
6.Participated in National Seminar on Advances in Bio imaging” Dept. of Biophysics, Information Technology and Biotechnology, University of Mumbai, 2014 
7.Presented paper at National symposium on Multidisciplnary in biomedical and applied sciences, on November 2013, organized by NMIMS
8.Participated in workshop on “Revised syllabus of Credit based and Grading system for M.Sc. Part II Biotechnology” organized by Vaze College,Mulund, Mumbai on 1st August 2013.
9.Participated in workshop on “Credit based semester system for T.Y.BSc. Biotechnology” organized by Ramniranjan Jhunjhunwala College,Ghatkopar Mumbai on 15th June 2013.
10.Co- authored Poster titled ‘Estimation of Flavonoids and their Antimicrobial Activity’ at International conference on ‘Emerging frontiers: Genesis of drug and its journey to patients.’ NIPICON- 2013 (Nirma Institute of Pharmacy International Conference) on January 18TH – 20TH, organized by Institute of Pharmacy, Nirma University, Ahmedabad, Gujarat.
11.Co- authored Poster titled ‘Enzymatic transformation of glycosides from Centella asiatica’ at International conference on ‘Emerging frontiers: Genesis of drug and its journey to patients.’ NIPICON- 2013 (Nirma Institute of Pharmacy International Conference) on January 18TH – 20TH, organized by Institute of Pharmacy, Nirma University, Ahmedabad, Gujarat.
12.Co- authored Poster titled ‘Microbial transformation of alkaloids’ at International conference on ‘Emerging frontiers: Genesis of drug and its journey to patients.’ NIPICON- 2013 (Nirma Institute of Pharmacy International Conference) on January 18TH – 20TH, organized by Institute of Pharmacy, Nirma University, Ahmedabad, Gujarat.

1.“Antifungal activity of lipase modified flavonoids from Citrus limetta”  in IJPPS, 2014, 6(9), 116-118.
2.“Aspergillus niger assisted transformation of alkaloids” in Bionano frontier, 2013, 6(2),46-48.
3.“Enzyme assisted transformation of glycosides” in SAJBS 2013, 3(2), 42-45

Sr. No.

Name of Author

Title of the paper

Name of the Journal

ISSN Number 

Year of Publication ,Volume No., Page Nos. 


Jayaprada Rao Chunduri and Mohak Prabhu 2020


Applied Biological Research

ISSN : 0972-0979. Online ISSN : 0974-4517.

:22 (1): 46-54 .Article DOI : 10.5958/0974-4517.2020.00009.9

Thomson reuter  journal


Sidharth Sagar and Jayaprada Rao C.2020

 .Identification and characterization of the moonlight proteins from insect brain tissue lysate.  (accepted for Publication)

Int.J.Life Sci Pharma.Res.



SJIF Impact Factor - 7.578

Volume 11 Issue 2, March 2021


Sagar S, Javle V. R. K, Chunduri J. R.

 In Silico Modelling of Antibacterial Protein Transferrin from Periplaneta americana and its Interaction Analysis with Membrane Protein of MRSA.


Print ISSN: 0974-6455 Online ISSN: 2321-4007

Biosc.Biotech.Res.Comm. 2020;13(2).



Siddharth Sagar,jayaprada Rao and  Vyomesh Javle (2020)

An assessment of the interaction insect brain protein and non- structural protein of coronavirus using in-silico analyses 2020.

International Journal of Advanced Research

ISSN 2320-5407

8(5):2320-5407 .DOI: 10.21474/IJAR01/10945





Jayaprada Rao C and Agraja 2020.

 Comparative study of phytochemical, antioxidant and antibacterial analyses of selected allium sativum varieties of india”

Special Issue for Herbal drugs” of Journal of Advanced Scientific Research

ISSN: 0976-9595

(JASR_17032020_3) in “ scheduled to be published in July 2020.

Scopus, Web of Science,


Jayaprada Rao and Nikita Vikas Singhi (2019)

“Aquaprobiotics of marine microbial origin and their efficacy.


Ambient science: Amb_Sci-

SSN- 2348 5191 (Print version) & ISSN- 2348 8980 (Online)


06(2) DOI:10.21276/ambi.2019.06.2.ra03









Prarthana Singh, Shraddha Mishra, Mansi Bhanushali, Saisha Karbhari, Jayaprada Rao Chunduri 2018

. Bioanalytical, antibacterial and bioautographic assessment of spathe of Musa Sps.,:

International Journal of Life Sciences Research

ISSN 2348-313X (Print)  ISSN 2348-3148 (online)

6 (2): 171-179

(UGC approved-2018 list)