“Never regard your study as a duty, but as the enviable opportunity to learn to know the liberating influence of beauty in the realm of the spirit for your own personal joy and to the profit of the community to which your later work belongs.” –Albert Einstein
Mithibai Alumni Assoication (MAA) welcomes you all to join our great community which endeavours to impart, share and collaborate our collective experience among ourselves, the society and the future alumni.
Feeling a duty to give back to our beloved institution the leanings that we acquired from it; with renewed and fruitful learning we experienced in life enriching it further.
Its time we act together, now and in synchrony to make our society and environment a better place to be in.
Alumni of Mithibai College - MAA has always been a source of support and inspiration for the students and the staff of this college. With a long list of famous personalities in the field of films, drama, literature, beauty pagents, music, dance, journalism, sports and even entrepreneurship, who have become an alumni of this college have made the institution proud for years.
The alumni always come back to the institution to contribute in various ways. They often guide the current students and share their experiences in the academics (by orienting and teaching them or donating their books and other materials), cultural and sports events (by training them for their performances), or even employment ( by training them for their recruitment in corporate world or making them aware about the career options in their own field).
Reunion June 2022Mithibai Alumni Association organized alumni reunion to reconnect with their life members on 19th June 2022 in college foyer area. Approximately 70 people were present at the event including retired professors, general secretaries from (1983 to 1987 batch), alumni from (1979-2017 batch), MAA committee members and life members. Tabla maestro and an alumnus Anuradha Pal also graced the occasion.MAA musical evening by Anuradha PalMithibai Alumni Association had organised a musical evening with tabla maestro and our alumnus Pandita Anuradha Pal on 25th September 2022 at Juhu Jagruti Hall. The event was specially curated by Anuradha Pal for alumni students and former faculty members of Mithibai College. The recital included folk based Navaratri performance, classical music, fusion music and a jugalbandi with another alumnus of Mithibai College and well-known artist, Navin Shivram. The event was attended by around 50 guests comprising of former Principals and faculty members like Former Principal Kiran Mangaonkar, Former faculty members from junior and degree college namely Uday mehta, A.S. Birajdar, Asmita Yagnik, Anjana Vyas, Trusha Engineer, Sandhya Ullal, Harini Chaouta etc. The event was also attended by students of cultural committee.Guest lectures
- Mithibai Alumni Association (MAA) organized Guest lecture by Sanjiv Maheswari (ICWA and MBA), CFO - Basil Partners, Singapore on Thursday Nov 24, 2022 from 11.30 to 12.30 at Juhu Jagruti auditorium on ‘Role and Importance of Private Equity’. Around 130 students from BAF, BBI and BFM attended the talk. The subject content covered a wide spectrum of issues pertaining to types of equity its importance and challenges it is facing as a sector in India.
- Industry Academia session to be organized by Mithibai Tech Association, Mithibai Alumni Association and Department of Computer Science on ‘Cyber security and Career planning’ by alumnus Mr. Sanket Epili, Vice President, Technology Risk, Morgan Stanley Certified Information Security Manager (CISM) - ISACA Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) -ISC which will be conducted online on 17th December 2022.
- Hiten Bhuta - international business leader, hospitality technology expert gave a lecture on ‘From Student to CEO’ on 19th January 2023. He shared his journey concerning the battles he had fought during his life to reach the stage that he is in today. His study with restricted monetary assets and with all difficulties he confronted he beat the in his separate field during graduation. He also delineated key steps to success for upcoming entrepreneurs.
- Guest speaker Neeraj Sangani gave a lecture on ‘Re-imagining Marketing- How digital transformation has changed the marketing funnel’ on 21st January 2023. The objectives of the seminar was to educate and help the students about the changes in the forms of marketing and current necessities required in the field of modern marketing.
- Reviving membership drive with online payment options and disseminating messages to our alumnus through all possible social media. Updated link, brochure and tab created on the website for the same.
- Creating a database of life members as eligible voters and potential candidates for the elections. WhatsApp group of all life members formed to establish network and disseminate messages of forthcoming events.
- Three meetings with all managing committee members were held in the Month of February, March and April to plan a get-to-gather, deliberate on possible plan of action and perks to be offered to life members.
- In Collaboration of YAMI, MAA organized a special talk on ‘Journey of our Alumnus’ by Mr. Saurav Astage- alumni computer science and placed with Delloite and PWC on 29th January 2022. He shared his experience with training and placement cell of the college and suggested keys to excel in a corporate world in diverse work culture.
After a long gap of seven
years from the term of the office-bearers ended, fresh Elections for electing
the managing committee members were conducted on 10th December 2021.
Dr. Mahesh Bhagwat was the Presiding officer and it was coordinated by Dr.
Khevana Desai, Convener of Alumni Association.
Following office bearers were elected unopposed.
Ketan H. Shah
Dr. Meenakshi S. Vaidya
General Secretary
Nita Bajpai
Joint Secretary
Meenakshi Sethi
Anurag Arvind Shastri
Joint Treasurer
Ushma Saraiya
Richa Panchal
Prachi Raval
Advait Raorane
Vijay Parekh
Dr.(Ms.) Khevana
Desai (Convener)
Dr.(Ms.) Selina
Ms. Bidisha Sarkar
Mr. Harikrishnan
Dr.(Ms.) Mittal
Dr.(Ms.) Hetal
Dr.(Ms.) Manisha
Dr.(Ms.) Pooja
Ms. Daksha Sawant
Dr. Vinay Thakur
Mr. Raju Lohot
Ms. Heta Kakkad